
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to ECHO Detroit and the free, confidential and personalized services designed to help adults residing in Wayne County- 

Transform Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones 

ECHO Detroit is a free, confidential service designed to help fine-tune your life. We recognize that these are difficult times, and that people are experiencing various personal struggles, including:

• Alcohol and other drug use

• Anxiety, Depression, Isolation and other mental health concerns (including traumatic events)

• Family and domestic • problems
• Homelessness and housing insecurity
• Health concerns
• Worry over the behavior or situation of loved ones

ECHO’s certified and trained staff is prepared to help you:

• Assess your personal and individual situation

• Strategize, collaborate and problem-solve

• Partner with you to develop a Personal Action Plan
• Provide education, information and referral to resources, if necessary

To get more information or to schedule an appointment – call or text us:  (313) 480-4448
**If your call is an emergency– call 911. If you are calling for treatment- call 800-241-4949.**

“ECHO Detroit” is an early intervention and detection program designed to intervene with personal problems before they become more severe. The Early Intervention program is funded by the Detroit-Wayne Integrated Health Network and is administered by SHAR, a licensed and accredited agency.